While President Trump is grappling with the concept of the coronavirus, casinos closed during the crisis are expected to stay closed through April. Casino companies worry that prolonged closure may affect their ability to recover from the lost business.

No End in Sight
As Trump shuffles through the information he’s been given on the scale of the coronavirus pandemic, casinos remain closed as a safety measure. Since gatherings of large amounts of people in public spaces has been forbidden, casinos have born the brunt of the financial impact which results from long term closure.
Casinos have already sought government handouts, but there is a limit to the amount of bailout money in sight. Gambling industry analysts have estimated casino losses at over $1 billion for February and March. Adding an additional month of loss could be catastrophic for the gambling industry – at least in land-based casinos.
Drastic Measures
As many new cases of coronavirus are cropping up daily, individual states have applied draconian measures to contain the effects of the virus. There was even talk of completely closing the borders of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut from the rest of the country.
So far this has not happened, but many experts say the virus will get worse before the situation improves. Meanwhile, many people are resorting to online casinos for their gambling fix.
Most states have ordered casinos to shut down until further notice, but not all casinos have complied. Tribal casinos are not subject to state law, but most of them have followed the safe practices recommended by the states they inhabit. An Oregon tribal casino closed after an employee tested positive for the coronavirus.
During this crisis, the Trump administration promises massive bailouts for corporations and paltry unemployment handouts to working class people.
Regardless of how many trillions of dollars the U.S. goes into debt, it remains to be seen if it’s business as usual for corporations, and bankruptcy for the hardest working members of society.
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