The drive-thru window has always been a boon for the fast food car culture in America, but now it serves a higher purpose: drive-thru testing for coronavirus. The Orleans casino in Las Vegas is now offering COVID-19 testing on a drive-thru basis.

Casinos Prepare to Reopen
After Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak outlined his plan for casino reopening in May, casinos got to work on preparation. Since experts suggest that the pandemic may be far from over, businesses planning to reopen are working hard to ensure the safety of their customers.
Some enterprising firms are installing sneezeguards at casino tables as the ultimate social distancing measure. Casinos not offering plastic shields will be required to operate at half capacity and seat patrons a safe distance apart from each other.
But testing is paramount, and The Orleans is offering drive-thru COVID-19 testing in their parking garage. The testing is coordinated through the University Medical Center, and tests are performed by medical professionals. But motorists must make an appointment through the UMC website before staring their engines.
Those with medical insurance will provide their paperwork for billing purposes, and those without insurance can receive free testing through the Federal CARES Act. Patients will receive test results within 48 hours.
Sanitation Plans
Many Nevada businesses will not be reopening just yet, but the casino cash cow has been given priority. Gov. Sisolak also announced that casinos would need to provide reopening plans at least seven days in advance. The plan would need to outline social distancing plans as well as chip and card sanitation methods.
New state social distancing requirements dictate that table games should be limited to three players for blackjack, six for craps, and four each for roulette and poker. Chairs will be removed from every other slot machine to maintain a safe distance between patrons.
The pandemic infection curve has flattened over the past few weeks, but history shows us that infections can recur with alarming speed. It will take several months of sanitation, social distancing, and other safe practices before the casinos can see the same level of action. But in the meantime, The Orleans is offering 300 tests per day at their drive-thru testing center. If you have a car and live in Vegas, a leisurely drive down to the casino may just be in your cards – and your best interest.
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