The Isle of Capri Casino in the city of Bettendorf, Iowa, is paying dearly for accidentally looking the other way and letting a minor slip into the casino.
The Racing and Gaming Commission fined the casino $10,000 after a long investigation on how a minor ended up at the casino with his mother last September. The casino administrator had explained that the mother tried to bribe casino personnel to bring her son in – and when they said no, she managed to sneak him in anyway.
According to Nancy Ballenger, the Casino General Manager, these violations are very rare, and the casino works hard to make sure they don’t happen. “The last time I stood before you with this type of incident was almost nine years ago. So, we’re really proud of our program and training that we offer to prohibit minors and to make sure that only those who allowed on the gaming floor gain access,” according to Ballenger. “That is why we were very concerned about this particular situation.”
This isn’t the first time an Iowa casino is fined for allowing an underage person inside. Last year, The Grand Falls Casino and Golf Resort in Larchwood was fined $20,000 for allowing an underage woman to gamble at the casino with a group of friends. She was there with two adult friends who were over 21, which is the legal age for gambling in Iowa. The casino did not check their identification when they entered. The group went into the casino, gambled for a few hours, and then left. When the group returned, the casino checked their IDs. At that time, the security did not allow the underage customer back in. In an interview with security, she revealed she had gambled earlier in the day.
Iowa has 22 legal casinos, which are a significant source of revenue for the state.
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