It’s normal for humans to have feelings of despair during a crisis, especially when it involves social distancing and long periods of isolation. But professional poker player and motivational speaker Christopher Kiefert dealt up some keen advice on how to get through this pandemic.

Gambling Industry in Crisis
Casinos have been hit hard during the coronavirus pandemic, and the heavy cost is more than just financial. At the recent iGaming Next Online conference, several industry experts gave speeches outlining the effects of the pandemic not only on the gaming industry, but on the people who make it all happen.
People forced to stay at home feel isolated, anxious, and bored. They fear getting sick and losing their job and security. But the iGaming Next conference began with a keynote address from Pierre Lindh, the Managing Director and cofounder.
And his message was clear enough. Life won’t be going back to normal until there’s a vaccine. But during this time, there are a lot of opportunities for groups of people and individuals to weather the storm.
Poker Passion
When poker pro and motivational speaker Christopher Kiefert took the stage, he offered some interesting advice based on personal experience. His rise to success was based on hard work, but not in the academic sense. He admitted he had no interest in school, but he had one important ingredient for success: passion.
While he had no interest in the scholarly road, his passion for poker and aviation took up all of his time – and interest. And the energy and poker passion grew to become a career.
“What are your desires?” he asked. “What is your passion? If you had to spend 16 hours a day and not get paid for it, what would it be?”
It’s true that many people are either unemployed or working at home in isolation, and these situations are ideal recipes for despair. But Kiefert believes we can use this time for reflection, and take a mental inventory of our lives and goals.
He discussed the importance of having a strategy and a plan to keep marching forward on the path toward making your passion your profession. It’s true that most of us juggle jobs just to get by, and hardly have time to pursue our ‘real dreams.’
However, a great way to fill our time in isolation is to work on that Big Plan, make notes, take small steps forward, and start to see a light at the end of the tunnel.
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