At the Las Vegas Bar

by Liana24 - on


A girl one night goes to the Las Vegas Bar and she’s getting ready to play poker. Would you be impress if i tell you this she beats 7 guys? She showed up with her brother and another boy. They finished playing their money an hour later. So she continued to fight being only woman all night. A strange man seeing these winning and asked her if she think poker has about 70% luck and 30% skill. Pretty sure of herself she believes there is a chance to win a chance to lose but the percentage, win or lose, varies from hand to hand. The Man’s think poker is luckier! It was becoming mysterious and despite is inexperience she was the big winner. Recap: The starting table was min.$50 and max.$200. Believe it or not, she starts the game with only $50 and she won the title and $350 at the end. Maybe you think is a beginner’s luck or is she a lucky woman? Anyway, how is it possible after only 2nd times? But i tell you what i know… As She is tired of playing on her computer, she is gradually getting ready for this fabulous evening! The first time she was much more nervous so she waits six months. She prepared herself mentally before returned to playing. She looked like a beginner but her game is well thought out! I have a secret that led him to victory but i can’t tell you!

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