There’s a reason why electricity is a significant element in all the operations in a casino. We all know very well that the key success factor for these establishments is product differentiation. The combination of air conditioning, illumination, and ventilation produces comfort. That’s the prime reason why all casinos need an uninterrupted supply of electricity. That’s probably the reason why a five-minute blackout can cost the business a fortune.
Studies have in the past demonstrated that a typical gaming establishment expends over five to six times as much energy per square foot as a large medical facility. For example, let’s talk about casinos in Las Vegas alone. It’s said that casinos there use up to a fifth of all electricity. Isn’t that surprising?
Ways Casinos Can Save Electricity:
1. Lighting
This is the largest single item that consumes power in any casino. It accounts for approximately 30 percent of the total power use which is pretty costly. To manage the expense, casino management always tries to employ natural light whenever possible. You’ll also come across LEDs where bulbs are supposed to be or in slot machines.
In case you didn’t know, the gaming machines that you usually see in different casinos consume about 30 to 35 percent of the electricity and this actually depends on how large the casino is. Las Vegas has 209,000 gaming machines which always operate 24 hours every day. If you own a casino in the area, you can use the occupancy sensors to reduce the usage or take advantage of lighting retrofits. Subsequently, you’ll be cutting the operational costs by 30 percent and in two years, enjoy your return on investment.
2. Solar Power
Are you looking for a more environmentally-sound solution? Try the solar panels. The Rincon Casino is a perfect example of casinos that have embraced this new wave of change meant to save the environment. It’s found on the Harrah Native American reservation in San Diego. The power it depends on is derived from a solar panel farm which is an $8 million project partly funded by the California Solar Initiative and a private company.
Just so you know, you don’t have to have a farm in order to work with solar panels. Casinos usually have a lot of free space on their roof tops. So even in the absence of a nearby farm you can still set up the panels, and successfully produce five to ten percent of the electricity required.
3. Modernizing equipment and contingencies
Casinos should have power systems that can integrate new technologies in greater quantities. It’s no secret that the electricity industry is currently facing challenges replacing the aging infrastructure with modernized systems to mitigate disruptive events or natural calamities. What goes on in this industry should not affect an entity’s electric consumption in any way. It needs to have backup systems like a generator that can still keep the business running just in case the power goes off.
4. Use of recycling techniques
In this technological age, almost every business has a data center. These centers can actually be turned into energy devices. Let’s pretend for a moment that we’re talking about a turbine. It draws electricity on one end, spins the electrons around, and then spits out what we call “useful work.” By the time you’re done with it, you’ll have wasted 98 percent of the electricity in the form of a not-so-useful heat energy.
But what if you could use this energy to run a different project? Wouldn’t you be saving a lot of electric power in that department? For example, instead of using more electricity trying to heat up the room temperature inside a casino during the winter season, you could find ways to direct this wasted heat energy to the room. You could also use this energy to heat up the swimming pool water if you want your guests to enjoy all the amenities during the cold season.
The reason why casinos are going green
Amid worrying economic uncertainties, all that businesses care about is how to cut costs on multitude levels in order to stay afloat. A casino is without a doubt a large business entity. With the money saved on various operations, the firm can maneuver its budgets by focusing on more pressing matters that could cushion the business against external threats. The goal is to have contingencies for a more sustainable future.
A greener outlook which is useful in eradicating redundant costs is what all these casinos are trying to adopt. Nearly all casinos were hit hard by the global economic crunch a couple of years back. As such, they had to adapt to a different business model. To ward off closure, they knew they had to work with a model that reduced the operational expenses that they usually incur.
Taking all the variables into consideration, most casinos in the country have now adopted greener business models, and the positive impact is reflected in the overall yearly revenues collected. To optimize the casino’s electricity consumption, we’ve seen casinos shift their focus from land-based casinos to online portals. If you’re a gamer, you don’t have to leave the house if you feel like playing. All you need is an internet connection and you’re good to go. They offer an array of services to all their clients everywhere in the country.
How much are casinos spending on electricity?
It’s obviously a lot of money if you think about all the slot machines, air conditioning, and guest rooms. In fact, we do have a few online sources that have quoted the figure at $500,000 a month. However, the exact amount is not really known because one has to factor in so many variables. Casinos come in different sizes. Simply put, the larger the entity the more electricity it consumes.
But things have changed in the past few years. Unlike before, today’s electric market has been deregulated. This has opened doors for solar firms to supply casinos with electricity or offer them an opportunity to run their own plants after paying an ‘exit fee.’ The amount that you pay might seem like a lot at first but if you own several casinos in town that run 24 hours a day, it’s actually a great investment.
Final Word
People used to believe that the inevitable part of doing business was energy usage. Fortunately, this is not the case anymore. Today, if you wish to stay afloat in the casino business you have to have total control over your electricity usage. The demand for this resource has drastically increased, and so has the cost. Savvy investors have always said that the greatest mistake any business owner can make is to allow efficiency to come at the cost of productivity.
To optimize the casino electricity consumption you have to properly monitor, track and report the things that negatively affect your energy usage. Make sure you maintain your equipment because the faulty ones can impact the electricity costs. Casinos should have a team in place to manage the electrical systems that detect energy being wasted. The management must know how to use real-time data on billing methods, power quality and operating history to track maintenance needs and to help the staff members understand the significance of being energy-efficient.
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